XenonStack Recommends

Managed Elasticsearch Services

Fully-Managed and Hosted Elasticsearch Services

Elasticsearch implementation provides capabilities, support, and security to your cloud clusters. Build powerful, cutting-edge search experiences for your workplace, website, or applications. Unify your logs, metrics, and APM traces in a single stack at scale and Obtain complete prevention, collection, detection, and response services for your enterprise.



Elasticsearch detects failures to keep your cluster available and safe. Elasticsearch operates in a distributed environment to provide continuous availability of data.



Elasticsearch supports numbers, text, geo, structured, unstructured. Application search, security analytics, and logging a variety of challenges can be solved by elasticsearch.



Enable Seamless Management of Authentication protocols, Role-based access controls for nodes.

Data Intelligence to Streamline Operations

The Visualization Techniques and Strategies for displaying complex relationships and unlocking insights easily.


Search Intelligence Services




  • XenonStack Tick Bullet

    Managed Security

    • XenonStack Tick

      Basic Monitoring

    • XenonStack Tick

      24 x 7 Support




  • XenonStack Tick Bullet

    All Standard features

    • XenonStack Tick

      Managed Backup Full and Daily Snapshots

    • XenonStack Tick

      Managed Operating System Patches and Updates, Hardening, Configuration and Tuning




  • XenonStack Tick Bullet

    All Standard and Pro features

    • XenonStack Tick

      Application Monitoring and Response CPU, RAM, Disk IO, URL, and Application metrics

    • XenonStack Tick

      Advanced Enterprise Analytics and Dashboard

XenonStack Managed Services Left Image
XenonStack Managed Services Right Image

Elasticsearch Solutions for Enterprise


Big Data Analytics Solution

Intelligent solutions for empowering enterprises to discover deep & actionable insights and enable businesses to scale to the next level.


Services to Enterprises for encouraging Learning and Workforce Analytics, Talent Management and Compensation Analysis.

Make Data-Driven Decisions at the Speed of Business by Data Ingestion, processing, and analyzing streams quickly and efficiently.

Streaming visualizations helps Enterprises to visualize operational performance and Perform insightful decisions immediately.

Enabling solutions for companies to monitor performance and availability of assets by understanding equipment reliability and predicting early warning signals.

Enterprise Search Services

Faster Data and query processing, monitored performance optimization for better search analytics.


Azure Cognitive Search

Cloud search service with built-in AI capabilities that enrich all types of information to help you identify and explore relevant content at scale.


Apache Solr Search Engine

Application based on J2EE and uses Lucene libraries internally to provide user-friendly search and generate the indexes.


Semantic Search Engine

Advanced technique to a keyword-based search as the system can analyze the linguistic nuances and collocations to perfection as a human does.

Elasticsearch Insights

Intelligent Enterprise Platform


Intelligent Enterprise Platform


Intelligent Enterprise Components and Capabilities

Intelligent Enterprise Components and Capabilities

Apache Flink Architecture and Use Cases


Apache Flink Architecture and Use Cases

Real-time monitoring

Security and Governance

Business Intelligence

Enterprise Search Solution

Real-time monitoring

Get meaningful insights based on consumer preferences, buying patterns, and demographic attributes gathered through different technologies.

Security and Governance

Data security and governance for enterprises to make sure essential data is governed and protected.

Advanced business analytics for Improving Organization’s Decision Making, Real-Time Analytics, and Embedded Analytics.

Enterprise Search Solution

Helping Enterprises build robust applications with Real-Time Indexing, and ML-driven query processing capabilities.