XenonStack Recommends

Enabling Advanced Business Intelligence with Real Time Analytics Tools

Make Data-Driven Decisions at the Speed of Business

Stream processing and event-driven architecture enable real-time analytics, empowering informed decision-making and driving business success.

Robot operating a computer in an office, demonstrating continuous intelligence through high-frequency, intuitive business insights.

Continuous Intelligence

Operate time-sensitive processes with the latest, most accurate, and high-frequency intuitive insights to increase business value.

Robot working at a computer with charts, showcasing real-time AI for enhanced client personalization.

Real-Time AI

Real-Time Personalisation and Recommendations to implement the right targeting for clients to increase brand engagement, effective monetisation, and order value.

Laptop displaying stock market chart with indicators, symbolizing agile real-time decision-making for competitive advantage.

Real-Time Decision Making with Agility

Quick Response to customers and delivering the right services in real-time help organizations gain a competitive edge and improve agility.


Drives efficiency, agility, and innovation across diverse sectors by providing actionable insights and facilitating informed decision-making.

Finance Industry

Manufacturing Sector

Retail Industry

Supply Chain Management


Individual wearing VR glasses interacts with data, highlighting real-time analytics in finance for market trend insights.

Finance Industry

Real-time analytics aids financial firms in swiftly correlating, analyzing, and acting on transactional data, market prices, and trading data to monitor markets, identify trends, and inform trades.

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Robot in a suit operating machinery, demonstrating real-time analytics optimizing manufacturing processes and enhancing production efficiency

Manufacturing Sector

Manufacturers leverage real-time analytics to predict maintenance needs, optimize production processes, monitor bottlenecks, and improve quality control, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency.

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Robots working in a factory, showcasing real-time analytics for inventory management and personalized strategies in retail.

Retail Industry

Retailers utilize real-time analytics to track inventory levels, adjust ordering, optimize pricing, and personalize marketing campaigns based on customer behavior patterns and purchase history.

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Connected transparent blocks representing real-time analytics for supply chain management in optimizing inventory and store monitoring.

Supply Chain Management

Real-time analytics collects and analyzes supplier data instantly, enabling organizations to monitor inventory turnover, conduct Real-Time Store Monitoring, and address supply and demand fluctuations efficiently.

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Scientist and robot in a futuristic medical lab, emphasizing real-time analytics enhancing healthcare outcomes and decision-making.


Real-time analytics in healthcare centralizes information for decision-making, improves clinical outcomes, empowers patients through remote health monitoring, and enhances hospital efficiency with a comprehensive patient view.

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Person using a laptop while holding a credit card, emphasizing real-time analytics for continuous intelligence and rapid anomaly detection.

Real Time Analytics for Continuous Intelligence

Enable organizations to quickly identify and respond to anomalies before they impact the business environment with accelerated time to insight and action to make better data-driven informed decisions.

Cloud Solutions For Real Time Analytics

Run enterprise's most demanding workloads with complete visibility into your entire ecosystem.

AWS logo on a orange background, symbolizing analytics-driven solutions on the Amazon Web Services platform.

Fully Managed Services on AWS

Advanced and Intelligent Analytics on AWS with Amazon Kinesis Streams, Kinesis Firehose and Kinesis.

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White cloud icon on a vibrant background, representing Google Cloud Platform's innovative analytics

Streaming Analytics on Google Cloud

Instant Insights with Google Cloud and tools like Cloud BigTable, Cloud BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow.

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White letter 'A' on a vibrant background, signifying Azure Analytics stack solutions for enterprises.

Azure Streaming Solutions

Enable data pipelines and analyse millions of events in an instant with SignalR, Event Hubs and Azure HDInsight.

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Building Real-Time Analytics Data Stack

Enable Real-Time Stream Ingestion, storage and processing to drive game-changing, Enterprise level significant improvements.

Robot next to a server rack, exemplifying real-time analytics data stack for enterprise AI solutions and transformation.

IoT Analytics

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Solutions for building a IoT Dashboard for Businesses. XenonStack prepares the data and generate operational insights.

Stream and Batch Processing Integration

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Enable the streaming pipelines for reliable and consistent mission-critical applications and processes.

Big Data Analytics Services

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Solutions for enabling enterprises to Host On-Premises/Public Self Service Presto/Hive Cluster and can enable queries directly on S3/HDFS/GlusterFS.

Streaming Visualization Solutions

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Real-Time Streaming Data Visualization helps enterprises visualize operational performance and make insightful decisions immediately.


AWS Partner in Advanced Tier Services
Databricks Competency
Google Cloud Partner
Microsoft Partner in Data Performance and Data Analytics
Power BI Competency
Kubernetes Certified Service Provider

Gain actionable insights in a 30-minute session with our real-time analytics specialists Today

Empower businesses to harness the immediate insights derived from data streams, enabling agile decision-making.

Three professionals engaged in a meeting, representing a collaborative consultation focused on data intelligence