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Augmented Analytics in Healthcare and its Use Cases

Dr. Jagreet Kaur Gill | 20 August 2024

Augmented Analytics in Healthcare and its Use Cases

Introduction to Augmented Analytics in Healthcare

Data analytics has emerged as a critical tool for improving patient care, reducing costs, and optimizing operational efficiency in the healthcare industry. The increasing volume and complexity of healthcare data have made it challenging for healthcare organizations to extract meaningful insights from the data using traditional analytics tools. This is where augmented analytics comes in.

Augmented analytics is a relatively new approach to data analytics that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to automate the process of data preparation, analysis, and interpretation. By automating many of the repetitive and time-consuming tasks involved in analytics, augmented analytics can help healthcare organizations to uncover hidden patterns and insights in their data and make data-driven decisions faster and more accurately.

Augmented Analytics makes this whole process simpler by automating the process of understanding and analyzing data and generating useful insights. Taken From Article, Augmented Analytics Benefits and its Future

Benefits of Using Augmented Analytics in Healthcare

Using Augmented Analytics in Healthcare Industry have numerous benefits described below:

Improved Patient Outcomes

Augmented analytics can help healthcare professionals make better patient care and treatment decisions, improving patient outcomes.

Reduced Costs

Augmented analytics can help healthcare organizations reduce costs by identifying areas where resources can be used more efficiently.

Improved Efficiency

Augmented analytics can help healthcare organizations to improve efficiency by automating processes and reducing the need for manual data analysis.

Examples of Using Augmented Analytics in Healthcare

Various examples of using Augmented Analytics in Healthcare are below:

IBM Watson Health

IBM Watson Health uses augmented analytics to help healthcare organizations improve patient care and outcomes. Their solutions use AI and machine learning to provide insights and decision support to healthcare professionals.

Health Catalyst

Health Catalyst provides various analytics solutions for healthcare organizations, including augmented analytics tools for population health management, clinical decision support, and patient engagement.


Ayasdi provides augmented analytics solutions for healthcare organizations, focusing on improving patient outcomes and reducing costs. Their solutions use machine learning and AI to analyze large datasets and identify insights and trends.

Healthcare industries must use automation as there are so many paper-based processes or time-consuming processes that can be automated. Taken From Article, RPA in Healthcare

Challenges in Implementing Augmented Analytics in Healthcare

Numerous challenges for implementing Augmented Analytics in Healthcare are:

Data Privacy and Security

When implementing augmented analytics, healthcare organizations must protect and secure sensitive patient data. The use of advanced technologies such as AI, ML, and NLP in healthcare analytics increases the risk of data breaches, and organizations need to implement appropriate measures to safeguard the data.

Lack of Interoperability

Healthcare data is often stored in silos, and interoperability issues arise when extracting data from different systems. Augmented analytics requires access to data from multiple sources, and a lack of interoperability can hinder the data integration process.

Resistance to Change

Implementing augmented analytics requires a cultural shift within healthcare organizations, and resistance to change can be a significant challenge. Healthcare professionals may resist adopting new technologies, and it may take time to convince them of the benefits of augmented analytics.

Data Quality and Integrity

Augmented analytics relies on accurate and reliable data to generate insights. However, healthcare data can be complex, unstructured, and prone to errors. Organizations must ensure the data is high quality and integrity before applying augmented analytics techniques. Additionally, data must be continuously monitored and updated to maintain accuracy and relevance.

Use Cases of Augmented Analytics in Healthcare

Augmented Analytics in Healthcare use cases are described below:

Predictive Analytics for Disease Prevention

Augmented analytics can be used to identify patients who are at risk of developing a particular disease. This can help doctors and healthcare professionals to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of the disease.

Clinical Decision Support

Augmented analytics can be used to provide decision support to healthcare professionals. This can help them make better decisions about patient care and treatment.

Patient Engagement

Augmented analytics can be used to personalize patient care and improve patient engagement. This can help patients to manage their health better and reduce the need for hospitalization.

Automates data insights and offers better information, the process is more powerful than conventional analysis methods. Taken From Article, Augmented Analytics Latest Trends

Future of Augmented Analytics in Healthcare

The future of augmented analytics in healthcare is promising, with emerging trends that have the potential to revolutionize the industry. Here are some of the trends and potential impacts on the healthcare industry:

Increased use of AI-powered Analytics Tools

As the healthcare industry generates massive amounts of data, AI-powered analytics tools will become increasingly important in making sense of this data. These tools can analyze vast amounts of data and provide insights that can be used to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and optimize healthcare operations.

Greater Focus on Patient-centered Care

Augmented analytics can help healthcare providers identify the best treatment options for individual patients, considering their unique characteristics and medical history. This personalized approach to care can lead to better health outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.

Integration with Wearable Devices and IoT

The use of wearable devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare is rising. Augmented analytics can help healthcare providers make sense of the data generated by these devices, providing insights into patient health and behavior that were previously unavailable.

Use of Blockchain for Data Sharing 

Blockchain technology can potentially address some of the challenges associated with data privacy and security in healthcare. Augmented analytics can leverage blockchain to securely share data between healthcare providers, improving patient outcomes while protecting patient privacy.

Expansion of Telehealth Services

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telehealth services, and augmented analytics can help healthcare providers make the most of these services. By analyzing data generated during telehealth visits, providers can identify trends and patterns that can be used to improve patient care.

While there are challenges to implementing augmented analytics in healthcare, such as data privacy and security concerns, lack of interoperability, and resistance to change, there are also opportunities for healthcare organizations. By leveraging augmented analytics, healthcare providers can improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and optimize operations, leading to a more efficient and effective healthcare system.

Utilizing medical data analytics from a range of sources, healthcare data analytics can assist in enhancing how medical institutions operate. Taken From Article, Data Analytics in Healthcare Industry


In conclusion, augmented analytics is transforming the healthcare industry by providing advanced tools and techniques for analyzing and interpreting large amounts of data. The use cases and benefits of augmented analytics, such as predictive analytics, natural language processing, machine learning, and computer vision, enable healthcare organizations to make more informed decisions, improve patient outcomes, and reduce costs. However, implementing augmented analytics in healthcare also comes with challenges, such as data privacy and security, lack of interoperability, resistance to change, and data quality and integrity issues. Overcoming these challenges requires collaboration between healthcare organizations, technology vendors, and regulatory bodies.