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How To Optimize Your Cloud Cost On Azure?

Navdeep Singh Gill | 07 November 2023

How to Optimize your Cloud Cost on Azure?


As cloud computing offers flexibility and scalability, it has become an indispensable part of several organizations. However, it also brings along the possibility of incurring high costs. Cloud computing has become a crucial element for numerous organizations, but with its flexibility and scalability comes the potential for increased costs. If you're not careful, your cloud spending can quickly spiral out of control.  

That's where FinOps comes in. FinOps is a cloud cost management discipline that helps organizations optimize their cloud spending. By following FinOps principles and practices, you can ensure you get the most value from your cloud investments.  

This blog post will show you how to optimize your cloud costs on Azure using FinOps.  

What is FinOps?  

FinOps, or financial operations, is a cloud cost management discipline that combines business, finance, and technology expertise to help organizations get the most value from their cloud investments. FinOps is essential for organizations that want to optimize cloud costs, improve cloud performance, and reduce cloud waste.  

Benefits of implementing FinOps on Azure  

There are many benefits to implementing FinOps on Azure, including:  

Reduced cloud costs: FinOps can help you identify and eliminate wasteful cloud spending, leading to significant cost savings.  

Improved cloud performance: FinOps can help you to ensure that your cloud resources are being used efficiently, which can improve your cloud performance.  

Reduced cloud waste: FinOps can help you reduce the amount of cloud resources you are not using, which can further reduce your cloud costs.  

Improved cloud governance: FinOps can help you implement policies and procedures to manage your cloud spending, which can improve your cloud governance.  

Internet of Things_13 FAQ Illustration
Internet of Things, refers to the collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the cloud, as well as between the devices themselves.

Challenges of Azure Cloud Costs  

Microsoft Azure offers a powerful cloud platform with services like virtual machines, databases, AI, and IoT. However, Azure's pay-as-you-go model, while flexible, presents challenges in cost management. Here are the key reasons why optimizing your cloud costs on Azure is essential:   

Complex Pricing Models: Azure's many services each have their pricing models. Understanding these models can be tricky, making it hard to predict costs accurately.  

Unpredictable Demand: Cloud usage can change significantly, causing cost spikes during high demand and underutilization during off-peak times, potentially leading to budget issues.  

Lack of Visibility: Many organizations need more transparency in their resources used within Azure. This lack of clarity can lead to inefficient resource allocation and unnecessary expenses.  

Inefficient Resource Management: Without proper governance and policies, resources may be provisioned but not de-provisioned when no longer needed. This results in wasted spending on idle resources  

Limited Budget Control: Failing to set and enforce budget limits can lead to unexpected costs that strain an organization's finances. 

Azure offers a large collection of services, which includes platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and managed database service capabilities

Azure Cost Management and FinOps  

To address these challenges and optimize cloud costs, Microsoft offers Azure Cost Management, a tool integrated directly into the Azure portal. Additionally, organizations can implement FinOps practices, principles, and best practices that combine financial and operational perspectives. FinOps focuses on cost optimization, financial visibility, and fostering a culture of accountability.  

Azure Cost Optimization with FinOps  

Now, let's explore a range of best practices and strategies for optimizing your cloud costs on Azure using FinOps:  

Set Clear Budgets and Policies

Define clear budget limits for your Azure resources to prevent overspending. With Azure Cost Management, you can establish budget limits for your Azure resources, which helps prevent overspending. Azure Cost Management allows you to set budgets and configure alerts when spending approaches or exceeds these limits.  

Establish well-defined policies for resource allocation, usage, and de-provisioning. This ensures that resources are not provisioned and left idle, incurring unnecessary costs.  

Monitor and Analyze Usage 

Regularly track your Azure usage and expenses using Azure Cost Management.  

Analyze usage patterns to identify underutilized or idle resources. This information empowers you to decide whether to scale, resize, or shut down such resources.  

Leverage Azure Cost Management Tools

Make full use of Azure Cost Management's tools, including cost analysis, cost alerts, and the cost explorer. These tools provide detailed insights into your spending patterns. Use Azure Advisor, a tool that offers personalized recommendations for optimizing your Azure resources.

Implement Resource Tagging  

Utilize resource tagging to categorize and label your resources. This practice allows better tracking and allocating costs to specific projects, departments, or teams.  

With tagged resources, you can easily see which areas of your organization are incurring the most costs and make adjustments accordingly.  

Embrace Azure Reserved Instances (RIs)  

Azure RIs allow you to commit to a one- or three-year term for virtual machines, resulting in significant cost savings compared to pay-as-you-go pricing.  

Identify workloads with predictable, consistent usage and consider RIs to reduce costs.  

Scale Resources Appropriately:  

Azure provides auto-scaling capabilities, enabling your resources to adjust based on demand automatically. Use this feature to ensure resources are not over-provisioned.  

Implement Azure Virtual Machine (VM) auto-shutdown policies to turn off non-essential VMs outside working hours.  

Optimize Storage and Data 

Regularly review your data storage and implement lifecycle policies to move or delete outdated data. Utilize Azure Blob Storage Cool and Archive tiers for less frequently accessed data to reduce storage costs.   

Continuous Learning and Training 

Keep your team up-to-date with Azure best practices, FinOps principles, and cloud cost management through training and continuous learning.  

Encourage collaboration between IT, finance, and operations teams to ensure alignment on cost optimization goals.  

Right-Size Resources  

Continuously assess your resource sizing to ensure that you are not over-allocating resources. Azure Cost Management provides insights into utilizing your virtual machines, helping you right-size them.  

Evaluate Third-Party Cost Management Solutions 

Consider third-party cost management solutions that can provide additional features and insights beyond what Azure Cost Management offers.  


FinOps is a critical practice for any business that uses Azure. It is a holistic approach to cloud cost optimization that considers all aspects of your cloud environment, from your infrastructure to your applications. FinOps is also a collaborative process that involves working with different teams within your organization, such as engineering, finance, and operations.  

There are many benefits to implementing FinOps on Azure. One of the biggest benefits is improved visibility into your cloud costs. FinOps can provide you with a clear understanding of how you are spending your cloud budget, enabling you to make well-informed choices about how to allocate your funds. FinOps can also help you to reduce cloud waste, improve cloud performance, and increase cloud agility.