XenonStack Recommends

Cloud Data Warehouse Solutions and Services


Traditional Data Warehouses


Faster Insights

The modern data warehouse on cloud provides more powerful computing capabilities and will deliver real-time cloud analytics using data from diverse data sources.



To succeed today, businesses must use collaboration more than ever. Instead of having separate departments, teams, and implementations for things like data mining and analysis, IT, BI, business, etc.


The Cloud

More and more, people and businesses are storing data on the cloud. Cloud-based computing offers the ability to access more data from different sources without the need for massive amounts of data movement and duplication.


The Next Generation of Data

We are already seeing significant changes in data storage and all things related to big data, thanks to the Internet of Things. The next generation of data will include even more evolution, including real-time data and streaming data.

Using Cloud Data Warehouse comes with the following benefits


The Low Total Cost Of Ownership

Cloud data warehouses, allow data warehouse teams to purchase as little or as much compute power and storage as needed and do not demand networking, server rooms, or any excess hardware.


Improved Speed and Performance

To make data-driven decisions, businesses need to connect ERP, CRM and marketing data while still maintaining speed and performance.Cloud data warehouses have several servers that can balance the data load and increase processing speeds.


More Secure Data

Cloud data is not located in disparate locations. Consequently, cloud security engineers can build and iterate on specific controls to safeguard data. Furthermore, cloud encryption services like multi-factor authentication make transporting data across regions and resources incredibly secure.


Increased Data Storage

Besides cost-savings, cloud data storage provides flexibility and agility. With a cloud data warehouse, data warehouse engineers can control the cluster size, CPU, and RAM to fit the needs of unique projects.


Improved Access and Integration

Cloud data warehouses have built-in data governance. Business users can be added to particular groups in order to access the data needed for dashboarding, analysis, or visualization purposes and are stringent enough to preserve data integrity.


Better Disaster Recovery

Nearly all cloud data warehouses support asynchronous duplication of data, and perform consistent snapshots and backups automatically. This data is stored across different nodes, making the duplicate data constantly obtainable without interrupting current work.

Cloud Data Warehouse


Cloud Data Warehouse

These new data warehousing solutions offer businesses a more powerful and helps to achieve real-time data by connecting live data with previously stored historical data
Data lakes: Data in hierarchical files and folders,data lakes have a flat architecture that allows raw data to be stored in its natural form until it is needed.
Data fragmented across organizations: Cloud data warehousing allows for faster data collection and analysis across organizations and departments.
IoT streaming data: Again, the Internet of Things, is a major game-changer, as customers, businesses, departments, etc. share and store data across multiple devices.
OLAP: Online Analytical Processing in Data Warehouses allows rapid calculation of analytical business information using metrics for modeling, planning, or forecasting.

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